Category Archives: online video marketing

Nine Reasons to Add Video Marketing to Your Marketing Mix

Have you harnessed the power of video marketing to market your business? No?

Well, if you’re still on the fence, here are nine reasons why you should add video to your marketing arsenal.

1) Place the right keywords in the form provides when you upload your video and you’ll find that people interested in what you have to sell will view it. How so? Because Google loves video as much (and sometimes even more) as it loves pages with written content.

2) Once people arrive at your video, they’re more likely to “convert.” That is, they’re more likely to click a link to your site, or go to the page to which you direct them to sign up for your newsletter, etc.

3) Videos are extremely cost effective. Do you already have a video camera at home? You have an Internet connection, yes? Then you need spend nothing more to create videos! Turn your video on today, download it to you YouTube and place it on your business website tonight. It truly can be that fast.

4) You also don’t even need to have a video camera to create a video. Do you have pictures on your hard drive? Even if you don’t you can purchase some from iStockPhoto or some other photo-buying site that are evocative of your service or product and, with the help of Windows Movie Maker (for example), you can create a slide-show video.

5) You can make as many videos as you like and place them on YouTube and other free video-sharing sites. Create a YouTube “channel” for your business, too! Make and upload dozens of videos to your channel and you, too, can become a television “station” owner, a station that brings you new customers 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

6) No matter what service or product you sell, you can create a video. Do you sell landscaping services? Put together a video about how to remove a large bush or tree. Or how to trim a lawn properly. What types of plants work best in your region depending on how much sunlight they receive?

Or are you a plumber? Make videos that show people how to fix a leaky toilet or spigot, or how to replace their old toilet with a new one.

You’ll soon become known as an expert in your field. People love to hire experts!

7) Video marketing is easily measured. You’ll be able to see how many people watched your video and you’ll be able to see how many of them clicked on your links and visited your website as a result.

8) You, and you alone, control your message.

9) Search engine crawlers love videos. Google, especially, owner of YouTube, has started ranking videos just as it does “regular” Web pages (those with standard — written — content). Which means your video well could rank higher than a written page optimized for the same keywords. In fact, YouTube in many circles is considered to be the number two search engine (behind Google itself).

Is your business ready for its close-up? If so, give call. We can help you produce affordable and engaging videos that will help get your website buzzing with new visitors! Contact us today.

How Video Marketing Can Increase Your Search Engine Ranking

If you’re serious about bringing traffic to your site via the search engines, then you seriously should consider video marketing.

Why? Because while SEO still brings most of the traffic to a site, social media and video sites (such as YouTube) increasingly are showing some traffic muscle.

In addition, video on a website often is viewed much more than content is read (SEO news sources are reporting that 67 percent of a website’s visitors will choose video over text), so put together a video of you explaining your services, announcing a new product or offering, demonstrate how to use or build your product.

You also don’t necessarily need to have the typical video of people talking and moving. You can put together a live and talking video from one of your articles or blog posts ( is a leading site to do this for you).

Creating videos and placing them on your site (as well as on YouTube), promotes you as a leader in your field.

Placing video on your site/YouTube also helps your site in search engine rankings. The search engines at Google and Yahoo! now perform what is called “universal search,” which means that anything — text, video, etc. — will come up in search engine results depending on how well it’s optimized. Video, therefore, can rank higher than text.

In addition, video easily can become viral. Post links to your video in your tweets and Facebook posts and viewers could then send links to their followers and friends.

Video won’t replace optimized text, of course. You’ll still need to create engaging, informative content on your site’s pages that’s of real value to your target audience.

But use video wisely and it can be a truly great addition to your rankings arsenal.

If you’d like to produce one or more videos for your website, contact We can create affordable videos that will engage and inform your site’s visitors about your products and services, videos that will help bring more visitors to your site. Contact us today.


More and More People Using Mobile Phones to Access Internet

Is your website mobile phone friendly? That is, is it easy to navigate and see when someone — a potential customer, perhaps? — accesses it via a mobile device such as Blackberry, iPhone or other Smartphone?

If not, you should think about it because more and more people are surfing the Internet on their mobile phones — 40 percent (40 percent!) of this country’s adults use their mobile phone to access the Internet, e-mail or instant messaging.

Such is a statistic brought to you in a July 2010 Pew Internet report on Mobile Access 2010.

What’s more, that number (40 percent!) grew from 32 percent in 2009.

The report states that younger adults (ages 18-29) are busy users of mobile data applications. But don’t count out the “oldsters”: mobile cell phone owners ages 30-49 are much more likely in 2010 than in 2009 to use their cell phone to surf the Web, send a text message, take photos, use e-mail/instant messaging, record videos, etc.

Another finding:

English-speaking Latinos and African Americans are demographics who are the most active users of mobile web: 64 percent of American-American go online from a laptop or mobile phone. This is up from 57 percent in 2009.

What should you realize from all this? Realize that Web surfers no longer need to be sitting at a desk or with a laptop on their stomach to find what they’re looking for. Will your business be found on Google Maps? Are you using e-mail to send discount coupons and news of sales, etc. to a list of interested current, past and future customers? Are you posting on Twitter (which is very to access via mobile phone)?

In other words, are you fully using all the tools online marketing can bring you and your business? If you’d like to, contact today. The results you’ll see in new sales and revenue will have you wondering why you didn’t contact us long ago.

How Video Can Help Market Your Business

If you’re not using videos to market your business, you’re losing out on a great way to create some incredible results for your company. What’s more, video marketing is relatively inexpensive and provides a terrific return on your investment (ROI).

Rather than have your potential buyers read about your products or services benefits, why not have them see them?  Video tape a session that explains how your products work and the benefits they bring to a customer. Sit in front of the video camera yourself and explain your services, perhaps even have some happy customers testify to how your service helped them. Marketers are reporting that videos receive a better buying response than text. Be sure to include a Purchase Now button somewhere near the video so that your visitors can turn into buyers quickly and easily.

You know you’ve done it yourself: a friend sends you a link to a video on YouTube with a note that “you must watch this!” You can “go viral” too. Place your video on your own site, but also upload it on to YouTube and other video sharing sites. Create an entertaining piece and just watch it be sent to hundreds, thousands, perhaps even millions of people. Regardless of how many see it, any video you post to YouTube has a great chance of being viewed by many people – people who could soon become your customers.

Are you a service provider? Have you ever given a speech in front of a group or held a seminar that taught attendees something? Be sure to videotape and be sure to place it on your website. Seeing you standing on a stage in front of others instantly brands you as the expert in your field.

On-site Videos

You can now see real live people walking on screens of certain websites. People engage visitors. By having the human element on your site, you can connect with your prospects at a deeper level and relate to them better. One site that offers on site videos is

Video Streaming Sites

Video streaming sites have become the biggest marketing tool in internet history. You can now upload videos for free without having to worry about storage space of bandwidth. The social element of these sites allows viewers to post comments, video responses and create discussions and share videos. The Web 2.0 era has allowed the spread of information, videos and value to achieve levels of growth faster than before.

In summary, these video marketing trends have enormous potential in growing businesses and it is important for us to stay on top of the trends so that we can capitalize on these new findings in the internet marketing industry.

Using Video to Market Your Business

Using video on your website is a terrific and results-getting way to market your business — videos get almost four times the number of clicks as a standard link. People love to watch them and they allow you to send a specific and personal message to your target audience.

As you work to place a video on your site — or to load one up to YouTube with a link back to your site — keep in mind that that your video should be about than five to six minutes long. If you feel that the things you have to say will take longer than five minutes, you always can put together a video series on your topic(s).

If placing your video on your website, be sure to place it on your sales page. A sales page with a video is still rare enough today as to pique interest and is certainly more interesting than a long sales letter typical (yet still effective, when done correctly) found on most sites today.

Use your video to show people who you are — the face behind the website — to demonstrate your product, or to give more information on how it will benefit your visitors. It’s also a terrific way for your visitors to become more connected to you and what you offer — they start to feel they know you personally.

Be sure you give a clear “call to action” in your video. Be sure you create at least one terrific offer in your video and be sure you know exactly what you want your visitors to do. Ask them to do something, but just ask them to do one thing — don’t take away your video’s marketing and sales power by offering them too much or asking viewers to do too many things.

Do you want them to send you their e-mail address so that you may send them something? Put the video next to a form with which they can sign in. Be sure to “make it worth their while” by offering something in return, such as a free report and be very clear in your verbal instructions.

We can create a custom video for you, placing it on your website (if you like) and also submitting it to the major Internet video portals such as YouTube, Google, Yahoo Video and AOL.

Videos Gain Power in 2009-2010

Google has decided to put more power into videos. Rather optimized videos on websites will provide Google positioning, yahoo video a more important roll than ever before. We are going back to our customers and working to add videos to the home page and other pages of their websites.

Some people in the Internet marketing world believe that those sites without videos will DRASTICALLY drop in the rankings in 2009 unless they act right away. Search Engine Optimized and search-able videos on your website are another key to success online.

How do you create a video? Hire a Hollywood producer and crew? Too much work to take on? Not at all! You can dress up and shoot yourself with a digital movie camera, optimize the playback and add it to your website. A good idea is to us a separate microphone so that the sound is of better quality than just using the camera.

Camera shy? You can just take a few stills of your business or services and create a flash flip book that tells a story. These will ‘check the box’ that Google wants checked and it’s easy and inexpensive. We also offer this affordable service if you are not a do it yourself-er.

Viral Videos can also be launched on dozens of websites like These stand alone videos can be highly ranked as well and offer another position for your company at the top of search engines!